PrivacySwap Tokens (PRVG + PRV2)

Check out the details below to understand more about PrivacySwap tokens.


PrivacySwap tokens used to bear the $PRV ticker on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). But PrivacySwap V2 sees PRV migrating to a dual token structure - PRVG and PRV2. Both have a fixed circulation to prevent hyperinflation from being produced by an ever-increasing supply. On a similar note, PRVG and PRV2 coins will continue to benefit from deflationary methods, which will be discussed further below.

PRVG Background:

PRVG represents your ownership of PrivacySwap. With PRVG, holders can earn PRV2 as well as a BUSD component which is accumulated by deposit fees and other fees like PRV2 transfer taxes earned from the entire PrivacySwap ecosystem.

Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain

Smart Contract Address: 0x774AD968F8f3801739BCBc970F833C664d28511d

Decimals: 18

Max Cap: 33,000,000 PRVG*

PRVG Initial Circulation: 14,850,000 PRVG

PRVG Distribution per Block: 0.41 PRVG

Dev Team Allocation per Block: 5% to Treasury, 5% to Marketing and Development.

Sales Tax: None.

Liquidity Lock: 3 months

PRV2 Background:

PRV2 will serve as the new farming token. This new token will be the new reward for staking in farms and pools. It is inflationary.

Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain

Smart Contract Address: 0xeE10936E1F6B49945B17EFeB106cc6992fe5ae47

Decimals: 18

Max Cap: 330,000,000 PRV2*

PRV2 Initial Circulation: 132,000,000 PRV2

PRV2 Distribution per Block: 8 PRV2

Dev Team Allocation per Block: 5% to Treasury, 5% to Marketing and Development.

Sales Tax: 8%. (5% to BUSD distribution, 1.5% to Treasury, 1.5% to Marketing and Development.)

Liquidity Lock: 3 months

Deflationary Measures

PRVG sees no deflationary measures.

PRV2 has a sales tax of 8% which is levied to users who sell their PRV2 via the automated market maker. 5% of that is liquidated and distributed to PRVG stakers via a BUSD distribution pool. Then 1.5% of that is distributed 1.5% to Treasury, 1.5% to Marketing and Development.

Last updated