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New to DeFi? Start here. We will cover the fundamentals of DeFi to help you with your crypto journey.

How Do I Get Started?

There are several things you need to take note of before starting on your PRV journey. Here is an overview of the necessary steps in farming and staking.

  1. A Wallet

    If you're new to DeFi, refer to this set of Binance Smart Chain guides. It is based on MetaMask, which is one of the most popular and widely used wallets with a browser extension to boot. Take note that we will only be able to provide very minimal support for wallets other than MetaMask.

  2. Starting Capital

    You'll need some BNB and/or BUSD to purchase PRV2 and/or PRVG. Most likely, the best choice for starters would be BNB as it is required anyway, to pay for Binance Smart Chain (BSC) transaction (or gas) fees. You can get BNB and/or BUSD direct from Binance. If Binance is unavailable to you, you may ask around for OTC (over-the-counter) solutions. Video on how to withdraw funds from Binance to your MetaMask can be found here.

  3. Swapping for PRV2

    After obtaining BNB and/or BUSD, you will need to swap it for PRV. Currently you can do so via PancakeSwap's exchange page (will be directly from PrivacySwap in future once our frontend changes are complete).

  4. Getting LP tokens for Farms

    When you provide liquidity to any liquidity pool or LP, LP tokens are automatically minted and distributed directly into your wallet. This LP token is a representation of your share of the total pool based on how much liquidity you have added. These LP tokens can be 'redeemed' by removing your liquidity from that pool, and you will get back your assets from the pool.

  5. Farms or Pools

    There are two methods of farming on PrivacySwap. Each with their pros and cons.

    1. PrivacyFarms (or also commonly known as liquidity pools or LPs)

    2. PrivacyPools (or also commonly known as single asset staking)

Last updated